Uhuu Account Service
The current account service used by the company was going to be shutdown and we were required to create our own. I've worked leading the UX processes to create a new Product.
Banco Bradesco
Bradesco - Capitalização
My job in this project was to redesign the current page for Bradesco Capitalização products. It was a end-to-end creation where I took part on the discovery, research, and ideation of the UI.
Bradesco - Open Finance
I helped the Product and UX team to finish the Design of this page for the launch.
Bradesco Sustentabilidade - Amazônia
I worked together with another UX/UI Designer to create a new page on the Bradesco Sustentabilidade website so show off their Amazonia campaing.
Bradesco - Trabalhe Conosco
In this project it came to me as some adjustments some contents of the page, but as I was analyzing it with the UX Strategist, we decided to make a proposal to the Product team of UI improvements based on our research, this is the result.
Campaing Landing Page - Bradesco Blockchain
Here I created the Landing Page for their Blockchain campaing based on the data that was given to me.
Campaing Landing Page - Bradesco Cartões Visa
Here I created the Landing Page of the campaing Cartões Visa Update, were they asked me to create a LP Interface to communicate or users what will happen to their current credit card status.